Priyanka Chopra wore a 60-year-old Banarasi saree crafted over six months to NMACC, designer shares all details. Read

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Actor Priyanka Chopra attended both days of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) Gala in Mumbai. Priyanka, with Nick Jonas, arrived at the starry affair dressed in a gorgeous custom Amit Aggarwal reimagined saree. The actor chose a brocade Banarasi silk pre-draped saree and a bustier blouse for the star-studded affair celebrating India's influence on the global fashion scene through different eras. Now, the designer is sharing all the details that went into creating the glamorous look with netizens. Keep scrolling to find out more.Priyanka Chopra wore a 60-year-old Banarasi saree crafted over six months to NMACC, designer shares all details. Read