Great Earnings Listing Hotels

Great Earnings Listing Hotels at

Become an account manager at! Earn great commissions monthly!
Great Earnings Listing Hotels at How it works! You meet and have property owners to list their properties on every night a room is booked using at a hotel you register as the account manager, you receive a commission! It is 100% win -win for everyone! Property owners save money, get great account service and get higher booking rates. Imagine the earning potential if you become the registering account manager of just 10 modest size hotels with 30 available rooms each. That is a total of 300 rooms waiting to be booked each night. In a month that equals 9000 rooms. Wow!
Great Earnings Listing Hotels
Example: If only 5% of the 9000 rooms you are the account manager on, 450 rooms are booked at an average cost of $100.00 a night? Your commission would be $1,350.00 for the month! Keep adding properties and see your commissions grow each month! Account managers are limited to 50 booking properties! Are you ready? Apply today with your resume to Once you have been selected and you can show that you can generate property bookings you will be brought in as an associate account sales member.