Rosemont Group Capital Partners LLC is actively seeking interesting ideas, concepts and businesses to invest in.

Our vision

We have a clear vision to be part of globalisation by creating,
developing, acquiring and investing in ideas that will one day
become recognisable or even legacy brands and businesses.
We have a passion and a desire to deliver at the highest level, be it;
ecommerce, property development, technology, food and beverages,
entertainment, hospitality, fashion, energy, investment trading and

Investing globally

We invest in solutions and concepts that address large target
markets. There are plenty of great business ideas, but not all can
travel across borders or will generate significant returns that
justify our type of capital financing. Therefore, products and
services with a large market potential are essential.

If you have a company and are already working on your project please contact us here:

Meet Freddie Achom - The co founder of Rosemont Group Capital Partners

We are social: @RosemontGroup #RosemontGroup

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