Nail fungus treatment with Fugacil


Nail fungus treatment with Fugacil
I know many of you want to know if Fugacil works. Here is my personal experiences with this product.
I has a very dark, pervasive nail fungus for over ten years. I tried everything short of having a very expensive laser treatment - that was going to be my next step.
I decided to do a little research to see if there was a product with good reviews and good results. I bought Fugacil started using it the middle of January.
I started applying this right over my nail with polish still on. After a month, I removed the nail polish and was so amazed to see that the nail that was growing and was fungus free! The following month when I removed the nail polish and checked the nail, I found that the part of the nail with the fungus was detaching from the healthy nail. I easily removed it.